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Savvy Search Marketing Ltd

Savvy Search Marketing Ltd

Millions of Dollars in Business Generated

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



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Are you trying to find qualified online leads for your service or product? Is your current digital marketing agency not responsive to your concerns?

Savvy is a true digital partner. We respond, we react, and we listen. We understand our role is to support your business and we've proven our abilities throughout the industries, markets, and niches to deliver consistently.

Savvy Search Marketing offers:

  • Proven PPC and SEO results with the case studies to match
  • Hands-on experience in the most competitive industries
  • Effective digital marketers ready to answer emails, jump on a call, and provide clarity.
  • Month-to-month management that keeps you in control of your marketing

Savvy Search Marketing works with companies of all sizes - from local service business owners to multinationals in helping reach their highest-value audience, generate consistently high quality leads, and scale their digital growth.

Discover why businesses around the world market with Savvy by booking your free consultation with our strategists.

Budget per project
Starting from $1,000
Project duration
  • Starting from 1-3 months
Geographic focus
  • Canada
  • United States
  • English
  • Greek
Success stories


Federal criminal defense lawyers Lowther | Walker had an exceptional reputation in the legal industry but were unable to sign qualified cases through their Google Ads campaigns.


Savvy's skilled designers and developers built new landing pages, highlighting Lowther | Walker's results, their leadership and feedback from former clients. We established the firm as a trusted leader for criminal defense, helping address potential case leads directly and streamline their conversion process through powerful copy and intuitive page design. Our Google Ads team built new campaigns from existing data, using our law firm marketing experience to immediately reach high-value leads.


The improvement actually started in month one, with an excellent Savvy landing page, supported by very focused Google Ads campaigns. The impact on the practice was so clear and significant, that Lowther | Walker soon transferred all their other digital marketing, including the website and Law Firm Search Engine Optimization, to Savvy Law Firm Marketing.

Our clients
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada agency Savvy Search Marketing Ltd helped Philly Personal Injury Lawyer Jeffrey Penneys grow their business with SEO and digital marketing
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada agency Savvy Search Marketing Ltd helped Lowther | Walker Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers grow their business with SEO and digital marketing
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada agency Savvy Search Marketing Ltd helped Asheville Car Accident Lawyer Lakota Denton grow their business with SEO and digital marketing

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Agencies in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada