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Klass & Fischer

Klass & Fischer

SEO Experten für Bau & Handwerk

Dresden, Saxony, Germany

Remote work



Wir helfen Unternehmen aus der Bau- & Handwerksbranche dabei, planbar zahlungskräftige Kunden zu gewinnen.

Wie funktioniert das ganze?

Durch eine Kombination aus verkaufsstarken Webseiten, welche wir dann auf die Spitzenpositionen bei Google bringen.

Denn es gilt: gefunden werden + Interessenten überzeugen = Kunden gewinnen

Und das ganze mit einem datengetriebenen und strategischen Ansatz.

Sie wollen kostenfrei Ihr SEO & Umsatz Potenzial erfahren?

Dann klicken Sie hier:

Bereits über 100+ Unternehmen aus der Bau- & Handwerksbranche haben unsere Analyse für sich genutzt.

Wir garantieren die entsprechenden Google Rankings innerhalb von 90 Tagen.

Aus all dem folgt:

  • planbar mehr Aufträge durch Top Google-Platzierung
  • junge Bewerber durch modernes Image
  • Vorsprung vor Konkurrenz durch überzeugendes Webdesign

Die Schritte einer Zusammenarbeit sehen wie folgt aus:

  1. ausführliche Potenzial Analyse
  2. individuelle Web Strategie
  3. verkaufsstarkes Webdesign
  4. fortlaufende SEO Betreuung
Client business size
Pricing model
  • Retainer
  • Project-based
  • Any
Geographic focus
  • Germany
  • English
  • German
  • Portuguese
Success stories


- nicht überzeugendes Design der Webseite - keine Rankings bei Google - 0 monatliche Kundenanfragen über die Webseite


- überzeugendes Design der Website mit Led Flow Formular - ausführliche Keyword Recherche - Top Position für relevante Keywords nach 8 Wochen


- Website Traffic Steigerung um 940% - 15 qualifizierte Kundenanfragen jeden Monat


keine organische Sichtbarkeit in der Google Suche & hohe ausgaben an Google Ads


- detaillierte Keyword-Recherche - Optimierung der Website-Struktur - neues Webdesign mit zielgerichtetem Inhalt - Optimierung des Google Maps Profils - Aufbau von lokalen Verlinkungen


Ø 40+ monatliche Kundenanfragen durch Ranking auf der 1. Google Seite für relevante Suchbegriffe durch Sichtbarkeit bei Google Maps für relevante Suchanfragen

Our clients
Dresden, Saxony, Germany agency Klass & Fischer helped Alcatraz Zaunanlagen grow their business with SEO and digital marketing
Dresden, Saxony, Germany agency Klass & Fischer helped Watterka Elektomontage grow their business with SEO and digital marketing
Our awards
Dresden, Saxony, Germany agency Klass & Fischer wins Local SEO Zertifikat - Semrush Academy award
Dresden, Saxony, Germany agency Klass & Fischer wins Fundamentals of digital Marketing award
Dresden, Saxony, Germany agency Klass & Fischer wins Google Ads Zertifizierung award


average rating based on Google reviews
Dane Kolobaricon
Aug 10, 2023

Great collaboration! The guys from KF Web Design helped me rebrand my painting and plastering business in Stuttgart by redesigning my logo and making new business cards and flyers. Everything was implemented exactly according to my ideas - maybe I'll have my website made soon. Communication was reliable and service was first class. What was particularly positive was that they even fulfilled an extra request without charging me additionally for it. I am completely satisfied and can recommend the web design agency to anyone who is looking for first-class service and support. Gladly again! Dane Kolobaric Medo Reno

Moritz Königon
Jul 24, 2023

For me, Max and Sören from KF Webdesign are the people I trust for our website projects, because at KF design and performance come together. Most agencies of this size that I have previously contacted build beautiful websites, but do not do the SEO to get you listed on page 1 of Google. Most recently, KF built the landing page for Medi Livestream for us, which we are more than satisfied with. More orders will follow! Thank you.

Maxi Jurkon
Feb 24, 2023

KF Web Design created my logo for me with careful, attentive and customer-oriented work. If you need professional and supportive advice, KF Web Design is the right place for you. I had a website created that I am very excited about. Thank you very much for creating it and for the uncomplicated and wonderful collaboration.

Kirsten Abichton
Feb 27, 2024

Very quick implementation of my customization requests. Top! Nice contact, good work and lots of helpful tips.

Mates & Mateon
Aug 16, 2022

We are a young startup and have been working closely with KF Web Design for a long time now. We first had our logo and later product packaging designed for us. We are currently having our Instagram channel managed by the team and are planning to have our website redesigned soon. We are very satisfied with the collaboration as it was always very careful and reliable. We therefore continue to strive to maintain the good relationship and can warmly recommend the team. Thank you! LG

Open on Google

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